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A Professional Runner's Best Tool: Using a Gait Analysis to Avoid Runner's Knee

Australia is a dream country for runners, with its beautiful landscape and well-kept roads.All professional or serious runners know just how important their gait and overall form is. Improper gait and form can lead to an array of injuries, like runner's knee, as approximately 42% of all running injuries are to the knee. To prevent these injuries, get a gait analysis at a place like The Walking Clinic.

The Gist of a Gait Analysis

A gait analysis is usually performed by a podiatrist or a physiotherapist who has been trained on identifying proper form. A gait analysis is fairly simple. It generally involves walking or running on a treadmill. From there, the professional will either perform a visual inspection by paying special attention to the position of your feet, knees, ankles and hip. For more detailed analysis, your movements may be recorded and then analyzed using special software.

How a Gait Analysis Can Recognize the Onset of Runner's Knee

Runner's knee is usually caused by injuries to the joint between the kneecap and the thighbone. It also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, and can severely inhibit a runner's capabilities and performance. The onset of runner's knee can be recognized via a gait analysis. If your gluteal muscles are not strong enough, your knees will bend too far outwards or inwards when you are running. As your legs are constantly placed in an awkward position, your knee will constantly be under undue stress.

Recommendations for Preventing Runner's Knee

If your medical professional have determined that you exhibit improper gait when running, corrective action will need to be taken immediately. Keep in mind that it may take you a while to get used to a different gait. There are several highly recommended solution that may work. They include the following:

  • increasing your step rate by around 10% with the help of a metronome. This can reduce stress to the knees and relieve patellofemoral pain.
  • strengthening your gluteal muscles through different types of exercises. Your medical professional will recommend different types of exercises based on your body type and shape.
  • going for physiotherapy to relieve tension and strain on the muscles, tendons and ligaments.


Due to the seriousness of the medical conditions and injuries that professional or serious runners are susceptible to, getting a gait analysis is highly recommended. If you're serious about running and would like to improve your overall performance, a gait analysis can help you determine whether you are at risk of injuring yourself and the methods you can implement to prevent these issues from arising. 
