Choosing Inserts for Flat Feet: A Podiatry Blog

What to Expect During a Podiatrist Appointment

A lot of foot conditions are not easily noticeable because they are far from your eyes. When you are starting to fee symptoms, it is most likely that the problem has already worsened and that is when you will decide to see a podiatrist. Before you go for your appointment, you need to know some of the following things to get you prepared. You will want it to go smoothly and successfully so that you will receive proper treatment.

Prepare For Your Appointment

List your symptoms and all of the questions you want to ask your podiatrist. You also have to write down your medications and any surgeries you have had in the past because it might impact your treatment. You also have to bring medical records and test reports from doctors who have treated you in the past. Ask your insurance provider if you need a referral, and let the office know in advance if you have any special needs. A friend or family member is always ideal to have with you for support.

Your Foot Will Be Examined

The podiatrist will do an examination of your lower leg and foot to check your blood flow, its feeling, strength and senses. They are going to determine which areas need treatment, including any deformities like hammertoes or bunions, nail changes, skin changes or muscle weakness.

The Treatment That Will Happen

When you have corns, calluses or warts, the podiatrist will do an assessment to find out what the best treatment will be. Although, you should know that everyone is different so what works for you might not be the same for someone else. Your treatment is only tailored for you and that is something you can count on.

The plan given to you for treatment and prevention may require footwear, inserts, padding, physical therapy, ulcer and wound care. There are times when you may be referred to other specialists. For instance, you might be asked to consult with a vascular specialist in case your blood flow is of concern.

After The Appointment

Prepare for the tests ordered by the podiatrist. Then, ask questions about how to be ready for it, what the side effects will be and when the results will come out. If necessary, schedule a follow-up.

When you are going to see your podiatrist for the first time, these are the necessary preparations and expectations you need to keep in mind. 
